Creating Multi-media Presentations

Source: Yahoo Images

Overview of the Module

This module provides resources and tips for creating multimedia presentations using Web2.0 tools.  This module was created to support teachers and students with promoting and raising awareness for an anti-bullying campaign.

What exactly will teachers find in this module?

Teachers will find a variety of resources that students can use to create an anti-bullying campaign. A mini-lesson for creating a storyboard to support writing for a Public Service Announcement is included, along with links to suggested Web2.0 platforms. Tutorials are also provided for two of the recommended tools: Shadow Puppet and Animoto. These tutorials are provided to support the teacher and students as they learn how to use the tools, as well as provide examples of projects that have been created using the apps.

Why is this module important?

This module is important because it provides recommendations for student-friendly Web2.0 tools that students can use to create and share content related to their anti-bullying campaign.

How does this module connect to bullying?

This module includes student-friendly Web2.0 tools that can be used to create and share content that will raise awareness about bullying. Students can use these tools to create a video, slideshow, short skit, a picture with a voice-over, or cartoon about the effects of bullying, the signs of bullying, and a campaign that supports the end of bullying by #StandingUp.


Additional Resources for Teachers

Suggested Web 2.0 Tools

Lesson Topics

SONY DSC. Source: Mike Bonitz, Creative Commons

*Show 1-2 examples of anti-bullying campaigns created by students

Reflect on the Anti-Bullying Campaigns:

  • As we watched this video what were you feeling?
  • Have you ever been bullied?
  • Have you ever been the bully?
  • Have you ever taken a stand against bullying?
  • Have you ever thought about an anti-bullying campaign?
  • What would you do to stop the bullying?
  • Why should we stand up to bullying?

Mini-Lesson: Writing a Storyboard for an Anti-Bullying PSA/Campaign

  • View and analyze a popular PSA: No Kid Hungry:
  • Identify the message.
  • What tactics were used to communicate the message?
  • How has this message become part of our collective psyche?
  • Do the videos use positive reinforcement to encourage positive behavior or change?
  • Create a storyboard for your PSA/Campaign. A storyboard is a visual way to plot out a video script and story. Movie directors and writers use storyboards to plot out their thinking and ideas.
    • In the blank boxes, draw images of what you want to show on the screen.
    • On the lines underneath, write the audio portion. In the “audio” lines, write music, sound effects, and dialogue.
    • In the Special Effects (SFX) line, write any effects, such as distortion, blur, and color alteration.
    • In the “Superscript” line, write any text, such as titles or credits, that you want to add to the screen.

PSA Storyboard:

*Content for mini-lesson adapted from:

Brainstorm important reminders before filming.

Sample responses:

  • Be professional – no laughing or talking to other people when recording.
  • Speak up.
  • Talk at a normal pace (not too fast and not too slow).
  • Think about your audience.
Tutorial for Shadow Puppet

Resources for the Teacher:

  • Shadow puppet tutorial:
  • App Demonstration: Shadow Puppet
    • View the sample tutorial videos for using Shadow Puppet: and
    • Step 1: Record a 15-20 second video or take a picture.
    • Step 2: Open the app and tap “create new”. The app will automatically go to the camera roll on the device first. Choose the video clip or photo you want to import.
    • Step 3: Scroll down to show students how to search the web for images. This is important if students choose to create a voice over.
    • Step 4: Tap reorder at the bottom left *if necessary.
    • Step 5: Tap next.
    • Step 6: Add text/audio to slide.
    • Step 7: Record voiceover for slide *if necessary
    • Step 8: Pause recording * if necessary (complete steps 6 & 7 after every group)
    • Step 9: Press save at the bottom right
Tutorial for Animoto

Resources for the Teacher:

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